This site promotes the work of the Institute for Jewish Communal Tolerance and serves to enhance the mission of promoting tolerance and unity among all Jews.
Online Jewish Learning
Aish HaTorah
9106 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 310-278-8672 Fax: 310-278-6925
Allexperts.com Judaism Q&A
American Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology
121 Cedar Ln. 3rd Floor, Teaneck NJ 07666 201-836-5735 fax 201-836-5736
Art Culture Web Site with Jewish Art
Bikur Cholim Around the World
Bnei Akiva
Click name above for more info.
Camp Gan Israel of Los Ageles & Beverly Hills
Rabbi Samuels Shuie770@aol.com 1520 S. Robertson Blvd. 310-271-6193
Camp Ramah In California
15600 Mulholland Drive Los Angeles, CA 90077 310-476-8571 fax: 310-472-3810 e-mail: info@ramah.org
Chabad Israel Center
Rabbi Yemini Shuie770@aol.com 1520 S. Robertson Blvd 310-271-6193 Jewish Outreach
Chabad Lubavitch
Activities on the West Coast. http://www.netcom.com/~data-boy/index.html
Community Research & Information Center
A Broad Based, Bipartisan, Political Action Committee Serving the Jewish Community of Southern California Since 1986. Post Office Box 480454 Los Angeles, CA 90048
Etta Israel Center
ETTA ISRAEL CENTER is a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles, serving the needs of Jewish youth with special needs and their families. Our mission is to promote Jewish special education and inclusion programs, provide family support, sponsor teacher training, raise public awareness of learning and developmental differences and foster the inclusion of individuals with special needs within the Jewish community and the community at large. We serve children with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, developmental disabilities, Down Syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, and other neurological disabilities, educational disabilities and physical disabilities. In addition, we offer a special program for Iranian families, with activities and materials available in Farsi. The Etta Israel Center also serves as one of ten regional training sites in the US for Dr. Mel Levine’s “Schools Attuned” intensive teacher training program. http://www.etta.org
Global Kindness
9224 Alcott St L.A. 90035 Phone: 310 286-0800
Our Mission
With 350 Jewish families anonymously supported, one person at a time, Global Kindness mission is to support and extend these services to more needy Jewish families in the Los Angeles Jewish community.
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles and Camp Bob Waldorf on the Max Straus Campus
6505 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Direct: 323.456.1153 • Fax: 323.761.8695 • awaterman@jbbbsla.org or www.jbbbsla.org
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles (JBBBBSLA) has been providing Jewish children in Los Angeles with caring adult mentors for the past 100 years. JBBBSLA provides free, one-to-one mentoring for Jewish boys and girls, ages 6 and older. Whether children are experiencing social or emotional challenges, being raised by single parents, living with siblings with special needs, or in need of additional enrichment and support for a variety of other reasons, there are many circumstances in which a child may benefit.
Abigail Yasgur, Director 5700 Wilshire Blvd. #2710 LA, CA 90036 Phone: 323.761.8644 Fax: 323.761.8647 Email: info@jclla.org On the Web! http://WWW.JCLLA.ORGJewish Federation Wilshire Blvd. Click name above for more info.
Jewish Observer, Los Angeles
http://www.jewishobserver-la.com 818-996-1220
The professional team of home care experts at JFS Care provides service for Los Angeles
3580 Wilshire Blvd #1640
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 383-2273
JIS – Jewish Interactive Studies
JSI – Jewish Studies Institute
9760 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 310-553-4478 http://www.yola.org/jsi
Kollel – Los Angeles
7466 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90036 213-933-7193
Kosher Information Bureau
Rabbi Eliezer Eidelitz 818-762-3197 Fax: 818-980-6908 http://www.kosherquest.org
Kosher Info
Brought to you by the KASHRUS Magazine. Click below to see the pages of Kashrus Magazine come alive with kosher articles, alerts on mislabeled kosher products, pareve dairy clarifications etc. http://www.kosherinfo.com .
Mitzvos, Merchandise, Meetings, and More! Luach.com is a quick, fun, and free bulletin board serving Orthodox communities in Southern California, the East Coast, Canada, and Israel. http://luach.com
Los Angeles Girls’ Israel Torah Tour
Four week Torah Tour of Israel for Orthodox H.S. girls. The Summer Experience of a lifetime. See Israel as you’ve never seen it before and get together with girls from throughout the US. http://www.lagitt.com
Long Beach, California Community Directory
National Conference of Synagogue Youth Orthodox Union
9831 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035 Office (310) 229-9000 ext. 2 Fax (310) 229-9008 http://ncsy.org
National Council of Jewish Women
543 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 Phone 323 651-2930 Fax 323 651-5348 E-mail: NCJWLAMAIN@aol.com Web: http://www.ncjwla.org
Rabbinical Council of California
1122 South Robertson Blvd. #8 Los Angeles CA 90035 323-489-8080 http://www.rccvaad.org
Relief Resources LA
Daniel Berman
Simon Weisenthal Center
9760 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 310-553-9036
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
http://www.vhf.org The mission of the Shoah Foundation is to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry — and the suffering they cause — through the educational use of the Foundation’s visual history testimonies.
Touro College Los Angeles
A branch of Lander College of Arts & Sciences, with separate men’s and women’s divisions. *** 1317 N. Crescent Heights Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90046 323-822-9700 tourola.admissions@touro.edu http://www.touro.edu/losangeles/
Valley Eruv Information http://www.valleyeruv.org
Western Region Friends of JCT
9454 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 600 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2929 310 273-5777 Fax: 310 273-5155 http://www.4Tolerance.com
Yeshiva of Los Angeles – Beis Midrash
9760 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 310-553-9036