Indoor Activities – Los Angeles Yes, we know it’s sunny California…but it is Los Angeles and nothing stops us here! Not even the hot sun….it
Indoor Activities – Los Angeles Yes, we know it’s sunny California…but it is Los Angeles and nothing stops us here! Not even the hot sun….it
Outdoor Activities – Fishing Despite popular belief, there are actually a good amount of places to go fishing in Los Angeles. Take a look at
Outdoor Activities – Amusement Parks RAGING WATERS111 Raging Water Drive, San Dimas(909) 592-6453A great water slide park that seems like it never ends. This place
Outdoor Activities – Boating Calypso Sailing Association3300 Via LidoNewport Beach CA 92663949-645-7100http://www.atlantis-intl.com/lidoMembership club, $250 to join, 30 sailboats, connection from San Diego to San Francisco.
Outdoor Activities – Beaches LOS ANGELES COUNTY AMARILLO BEACHMalibu Rd., Malibu 90265 BIG ROCK BEACH20600 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu 90265 CABRILLO BEACH3720 Stephen M White
Outdoor Activities – Walks and Hikes TAKE A HIKE! – Local Outdoor AdventuresP.O. Box 5576Glendale, CA 91221323-851-5301Description: This organization can help arrange a nice hike