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Outdoor Activities - Ice Skating

In Southern California there aren’t many outdoor locations for Ice Skating, but there are plenty of indoor facilities that are open all year round.  Whether it’s cooling off in the summer or sharpening those ice skating techniques, there is plenty to enjoy for all ages.

Pasadena Ice Skating Center
310 East Green Street
(626) 578-0800
Hours vary, call before visiting.

Pickwick Ice Skating Center
1001 Riverside Dr.
(818) 846-0035
Open daily, skating schools, and private instruction available.
Also video arcade and lounge available.
Hours and prices vary, call before visiting.

Irvine Ice Arena
3400 Michelson Dr.
(949) 262-0907
Birthday Parties, figure skating, hockey, freestyle.
Membership available.
Hours: M,T.Th,F 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm
W 9am-12pm and1:30pm-4pm
SAT 1pm-3:30pm
SUN 11:15am-12:45pm and 1pm-3:30pm